Saturday, June 19, 2010


I always write my posts thinking about you. Today I didn't. My apologies.

Nunca parou de duvidar.

Nunca parou de pensar.

Nunca aceitou "nunca".

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do you remember the books you read in 2007?

I know what you are probably thinking. Three years is a very long time. Maybe this will help you. Three years ago this month (June 29th), Apple started selling the iPhone. All over the world, people waited for hours in long lines to get one.

In case you find yourself continuing to grasp for the books you read in 2007, then stop and read this blog post.
In the knowledge economy you are what you know; in other words knowledge is money. The books you read are one of your biggest sources of your knowledge. Not knowing what books you read is the equivalent of not knowing what stocks you own.

While financial institutions over the past 10 years became experts at aggregating financial assets (financial asset aggregation),  when it comes to knowledge aggregation, things are only now emerging.

Those who are already aware to the concept of knowledge aggregation are using Personal Information Management (PIM) tools such as Google Notebook, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr and Evernote. Unfortunately, PIM tools are to knowledge aggregation what hybrids are to transportation. They are just a step on the way. PIMs are not goal-oriented which is paramount for successful knowledge aggregation (more about this on a coming post).

Bottom line: You need to start documenting the books you read, and all other learning events in the pursuit of your goals (knowledge aggregation).  Doing so could (will) play a critical role in your next promotion.

P.S. - Olexe is a platform that allows true-knowledge aggregation.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why is "knowledge aggregation" so important?

It has been almost 6 years since I created my first company - M2MSys.  M2MSys' mission is to bring to organizations the ability to adapt automatically to change.  A combination of sensors, feedback loops, decision engines and business processes.

As you so well know, "revolutionary concepts" hate recessions. As soon as the market hits the skids, customers returned to basics. The 2008 recession has stolen the ability to dream from our customers.

Why is "knowledge aggregation" so important?

M2MSys ideas are still as fresh today as they were in 2002.

"Knowledge aggregation" is what you do to preserve all your ideas so they are not lost, and you can continue where you left off.

Are you aggregating your knowledge?