Saturday, May 16, 2009

My first post

Aren't you lucky? You get to see my first blog entry.

Let me correct that.

This is not my first blog entry. In fact, this is not even my first blog (lol).

I started blogging in 2005 in M2MSys' blog (, and more recently, in the 3Wcloud's blog (

For the record, M2MSys is my first company and 3WCloud is a new one that I started with Neal Walters, my entrepreneur partner of many projects. You will see me talk about these two companies frequently. The reason is that both of them are about the same topic - enabling knowledge workers and organizations, to embrace complexity.

M2Msys focus on three areas of expertise about which I'm really passionte about: Business Process Management (BPM), sensor networks and complex adaptive system. This mix of subjects seeks to transform existing organizations, built on principles developed in the post war 20th century, into Hyper-Efficient and Hyper-Adaptable organization (H2O Organization). H2O organizations can self adapt to any type of changes.

3WCloud focus on the knowledge worker and Learning organizations, and seeks to develop new organizations based on knowledge workers, transforming them int Hyper-Efficient and Hyper-Adaptable organization (H2O Organization).

I have other big passions: healthcare and government. Mostly because they are critical to all our existence and they the furthest from being H2O organizations. In the healthcare I have been developing the concept of the Wellness Society Vision ( based on my experience dealing with the healthcare payers, both on the government and private sector.

I'm sure you notice that all of my passions even one thing in common... system theory... hence, here's the reason behind my blog title.

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